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Great Way to Show Your Elderly Loved Ones

Mar 15

Care Packages for seniors are a great way to show your elderly loved ones how much you care without being able to visit them. These gift baskets can include activities they enjoy, personal care items and treats. When putting together these packages it is important to consider the person’s interests and abilities, as well as their dietary needs and personal care requirements.

Often times, individuals in assisted living facilities or nursing homes feel isolated as they are unable to meet with family and friends due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who live far away may also struggle to see their loved ones due to quarantine restrictions. Rent a Daughter Care packages are a wonderful solution to this issue as they can offer comfort and joy to your elderly loved ones, letting them know that you’re thinking about them and that you’re always in their hearts.

When preparing a care package for an elderly individual, it is essential to think about what they will find useful and enjoyable. This will allow you to choose appropriate items that will positively impact their day-to-day life, fostering their sense of independence and happiness.

Consider the activities your loved one enjoys, whether it is reading, a hobby like knitting or cross-stitch, or playing cards with a friend. These activities can help keep their mind sharp and focus on something they enjoy, which will reduce feelings of boredom. You can also add entertainment-related items like games, adult coloring books or sketchpads and pencils to provide a creative outlet.

Another idea is to add a small book that has a special meaning to them, or perhaps a childhood favorite that can evoke memories and bring them back to happier times. This will give them a chance to reconnect with their past and can be a source of pride, especially if they are a reader.

If your loved one is confined to bed, or has trouble moving around, a care package should include a few personal care items that will make them feel comfortable and cozy. This can be anything from a new robe to a blanket, hand warmers or even a pair of slippers. Additionally, it is a good idea to include an item for self-care such as lip balm, a brush or comb, hand lotion, or a hairbrush.

In addition to personal care items, it’s a good idea to include some snacks and treats. Sweet and salty treats like cookies or a chocolate bar will always be appreciated, as will some coffee or tea packets and a few packs of hot cocoa. Seasonal decor items such as door hangers or window clings will add a festive touch to the package. If your loved one is a fan of music, you can also include an audio player pre-loaded with their favorite songs or a few episodes of their favorite podcast.

Additional Resources:

Rent a Daughter

23715 Mercantile Blvd

Beachwood, Ohio 44122

(216) 633-3604