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How to Treat Back Pain From Lifting Weights?

Feb 24

How to Treat Back Pain From Lifting Weights?

It's amazing how effective lifting weights can be as an exercise. There are plenty of creative individuals out there. There is a good chance that someone will discover the solution to your issue. For correcting your posture chiropractic head weights by Finlayson Family Chiropractic are a good option.


Many people associate Victorian-era young women as being urged to be straight by placing the book on the top of their heads. The product for correcting posture that we will discuss works on the same principles.


Regular weight lifting is an aspect of strength training that helps improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, and healthy bone health. It can, however, cause a lot of stress on other areas of your body, like the spine. You may experience back pain when this occurs. This can cause pain that is dull, painful, or extreme discomfort that makes it difficult to think clearly and function.


What is the cause of back pain after lifting weights?

Poor posture and poor lifting techniques are the primary reasons behind back pain after lifting weights. Rounding your back is a typical issue. It can result in your hips being at an angle that is not ideal, that puts stress on your spine. To avoid overextension of your back, it is important to keep your shoulders straight and to keep your pelvis in a straight line.


Certain injuries are more frequent than other types of injuries. These are the most common injuries resulting from lifting weights onto your back or neck.


  • Herniated disc. The intervertebral disc functions as a shock absorber and can be damaged or ruptured. The soft gel within it could leak out as the spine is no longer cushioned. It can also irritate the surrounding nerves. Deadlifts are often a trigger for herniated discs.


  • The muscles and ligaments tear. These are debilitating and painful, as the names indicate. When ligament or muscle tears occur, there may be scars that form. This could cause issues such as shortened muscle, which may limit mobility.

Back pain may result from lifting weights

If you experience back pain after lifting weights, it's essential to seek out professional help. Regular visits to a chiropractor may help ease back pain after lifting weights. A lot of people who regularly lift weights discover the benefits of chiropractic treatment.


The spine can be treated by professional chiropractors employing various techniques. They can provide relief from the discomforts. The most common technique is manipulation. This involves precise movements to loosen spinal joints and other parts. This will help reduce the pain and increase mobility.


You'll be provided with important advice from your doctor on preventing further injury and discomfort. This will include information on the best food choices and what exercises you should do while healing.


Do you know how to stop back pain from gaining weight?

The weights you lift can impact all muscles as well as your back. Although lifting weights won't cause back pain there are some things you can do that will help prepare your body for the stress and strain it will encounter. This will decrease the risk of your spine becoming injured. These are preventative measures.

  • Warm up and stretch before starting your workout.

  • You should not utilize your back for lifting weights. Instead, focus on the muscles that you would like to build.

  • To ensure you don't get overexerted, you can change the parts of your body you work on each day.

  • Do more repetitions but use less weight.

  • A belt can help support your spine and remind you to lift correctly, and it can also be beneficial to wear the belt.

If you are feeling pain then stop lifting. If you push to ease the pain, you could cause injury.

Finlayson Family Chiropractic

6201 Pacific Ave STE A, Tacoma, WA 98408

(253) 302–3750

chiropractic head weights